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Configuring CldImage

The CldImage component provides a wide range of options for being able to easily optimize and transform images.

Required Props

The basic props required to use CldImage include:

Prop Type Required Example
alt stringYesDog catching a frisbeeMore Info
height number/stringYes600More Info
src stringYesmy-public-id
width number/stringYes600More Info

Basic Transformations

The CldImage component exposes many of Cloudinary’s transformations in an easy-to-use way right inside of Svelte.

Prop Type Default Example
angle number 45More Info
background string-blue, rgb:0000ffMore Info
crop string | objectlimitfillMore Info
enhance boolean-trueMore Info
fillBackground (Beta) boolean | object-{{ gravity: 'east' }}More Info
gravity stringautofacesMore Info
loop boolean | number trueMore Info
recolor array | object-['duck', 'blue']More Info
remove string | array | object-appleMore Info
removeBackground boolean | stringfalsetrueMore Info
replace array | object-['apple', 'banana']More Info
replaceBackground boolean | string | object-trueMore Info
restore boolean-trueMore Info
zoom string-0.5More Info
zoompan boolean | string | object-trueMore Info


Rotates the image at the given angle.



Learn more about angle on the Cloudinary docs.


Applies a background to empty or transparent areas.


background = 'blue';

Learn more about the background transformation on the Cloudinary docs.


Changes the size of the delivered asset according to the requested width & height dimensions.

The crop prop can either be a string, which can accept any valid Cloudinary crop mode, or it can accept an object or an array of objects which can take the following options:

Prop Type Example
aspectRatio string16:9
gravity stringSee Gravity
height stringSee Height
source booleantrue
type (crop mode) stringfill
width stringSee Width
zoom stringSee Zoom

Dynamic Crop Modes

When using a dynamic crop mode, such as thumb, the resulting image may be visually different based on the given dimensions. For instance, an image cropped using the thumb crop mode with dimensions 600x600 will give different results than 1200x1200 (assuming a gravity of auto or similar, which is the default for CldImage).

This is especially important in the context of Responsive Images where due to the resize mechanism, different device sizes may result in different looking images, which doesn’t provide a great experience.

To resolve this, when using dynamic crop modes you may want to opt into a two-stage crop, first cropping the original source image, then allowing the the resize mechanism to handle resizing that to the appropriate device size. See examples below.


Cropping an image and filling the containing space:

crop = 'fill';

Using a crop of thumb on the original source image:

width: 1200,
height: 1200,
type: 'thumb',
source: true

Learn more about the crop transformation on the Cloudinary docs.


Uses generative AI to enhance the visual appeal of an image.

The enhance prop can be used as a boolean.



Learn more about the Generative Enhance transformation on the Cloudinary docs.


Automatically fills the padded area using generative AI to extend the image seamlessly.

The fillBackground prop can either be a boolean, which will use a set of safe defaults to produce a background, or an object, which can take the following options:

Prop Type Example
crop stringclpad
gravity stringsouth
prompt stringcupcakes


Applying Generative Fill with defaults:


Customizing options:

crop: 'clpad',
gravity: 'south',
prompt: 'cupcakes'

Learn more about the Generative Fill transformation on the Cloudinary docs.


Determines which part of an asset to focus on, and thus which part of the asset to keep, when any part of the asset is cropped


gravity = 'face';

Learn more about gravity on the Cloudinary docs.


Loops an animated image infinitely or for the specified number of times.



Learn more about loop on the Cloudinary docs.


Uses generative AI to recolor parts of your image, maintaining the relative shading.

The recolor prop can either be an array with the objects to be replaced or an object with the following options:

Prop Type Example
multiple booleantrue
prompt string | arrayduck or ['duck', 'horse']
to stringblue


Recoloring an object with an array:

recolor={['duck', 'blue']}

Or using the object format:

prompt: 'duck',
to: 'blue',
multiple; true

Learn more about the Generative Recolor transformation on the Cloudinary docs.


Uses generative AI to remove unwanted parts of your image, replacing the area with realistic pixels.

The remove prop can either be a string, an array, or an object with the following options:

Prop Type Example
multiple booleantrue
prompt string | arrayduck or ['duck', 'horse']
removeShadow booleantrue
region array[300, 200, 1900, 3500]


Removing an object by string:

remove = 'apple';

Removing multiple objects by array:

remove={['apple', 'banana', 'orange']}

Removing multiple instances of an object and their shadow with object configuration:

prompt: 'apple',
multiple: true,
removeShadow: true

Removing a region:

region: [300, 200, 1900, 3500]

Removing multiple regions:

region: [
[300, 200, 1900, 3500],
[123, 321, 750, 500]

Learn more about the Generative Remove transformation on the Cloudinary docs.


Uses the Cloudinary AI Background Removal add-on to make the background of an image transparent.



Learn more about background removal transformation on the Cloudinary docs.


Uses generative AI to replace parts of your image with something else.

The replace prop can either be an array with the objects to be replaced or an object with the following options:

Prop Type Example
from stringapple
to stringbanana
preserveGeometry booleantrue


Replacing an object with an array:

replace={['apple', 'banana']}

Or using the object format:

from: 'apple',
to: 'banana',
preserveGeometry; true

Learn more about the Generative Replace transformation on the Cloudinary docs.


Uses generative AI to replace the background of your image.

The replaceBackground prop can be a boolean, string, or object with the following options:

Prop Type Example
prompt stringfish tank
seed number2


Replacing the background based on the image context:


Or using a string prompt:

replaceBackground = 'fish tank';

Or using the object format:

prompt: 'fish tank',
seed: 3

Learn more about the Generative Replace Background transformation on the Cloudinary docs.


Uses generative AI to restore details in poor quality images or images that may have become degraded through repeated processing and compression.

The restore prop can be used as a boolean.



Learn more about the Generative Restore transformation on the Cloudinary docs.


Controls how close to crop to the detected coordinates when using face-detection, custom-coordinate, or object-specific gravity.


zoom = '0.75';

Learn more about the zoom transformation on the Cloudinary docs.


Also known as the Ken Burns effect, this transformation applies zooming and/or panning to an image, resulting in a video or animated GIF.

zoompan can be applied with safe defaults as a boolean, a string, or an object for advanced customization.

As a string, you can pass in “loop” to automatically loop, or you can pass in raw configuration using the Cloudinary Transformation syntax.

As an object, you can use advanced configuration with the following options:

Prop Type Example
loop boolean | numbertrue
options boolean | stringmode_ztr;maxzoom_6.5;du_10


With defaults:


Add looping:

zoompan = 'loop';

Customize options:

loop: 'loop:2', // Will loop twice
options: 'mode_ztr;maxzoom_6.5;du_10'

Learn more about the zoompan transformation on the Cloudinary docs.

Filters & Effects

Cloudinary supports a wide variety of effects and artistic filters that help to easily change the appearance of an image.

Prop Type Default Example
art string-al_denteMore Info
autoBrightness boolean | string-true, 80More Info
autoColor boolean | string-true, 80More Info
autoContrast boolean | string-true, 80More Info
assistColorblind boolean | string-true, 20, xrayMore Info
blackwhite boolean | string-true, 40More Info
blur boolean | string-true, 800More Info
blurFaces boolean | string-true, 800More Info
blurRegion boolean | string-true, 1000,h_425,w_550,x_600,y_400More Info
border string-5px_solid_purple
brightness boolean | string-true, 100More Info
brightnessHSB boolean | string-true, 100More Info
cartoonify boolean | string-true, 70:80More Info
color string-blue
colorize string-35,co_darkvioletMore Info
contrast boolean | string-true, 100, level_-70More Info
distort string-150:340:1500:10:1500:1550:50:1000, arc:180.0More Info
fillLight boolean | string-true, 70:20More Info
gamma boolean | string-true, 100More Info
gradientFade boolean | string-true, symmetric:10,x_0.2,y_0.4More Info
grayscale bool-trueMore Info
improve boolean | string-true, 50, indoorMore Info
multiply bool-trueMore Info
negate bool-trueMore Info
oilPaint boolean | string-true, 40More Info
opacity number/string-40More Info
outline boolean | string-true, 40, outer:15:200More Info
overlay bool-trueMore Info
pixelate boolean | string-true, 20More Info
pixelateFaces boolean | string-true, 20More Info
pixelateRegion boolean | string-true, 35,h_425,w_550,x_600,y_400More Info
redeye boolean | string-trueMore Info
replaceColor string-saddlebrown, 2F4F4F:20, silver:55:89b8edMore Info
sanitize booltrue if .svgtrue - Only applies to .svgMore Info
saturation boolean | string-true, 70More Info
screen bool-trueMore Info
sepia boolean | string-true, 50More Info
shadow boolean | string-true, 50,x_-15,y_15More Info
sharpen boolean | string-true, 100More Info
shear string-20.0:0.0More Info
simulateColorblind boolean | string-deuteranopiaMore Info
tint boolean | string-true, 100:red:blue:yellowMore Info
trim boolean | string-true, 50:yellowMore Info
unsharpMask boolean | string-true, 500More Info
vectorize boolean | string-true, 3:0.5More Info
vibrance boolean | string-true, 70More Info
vignette boolean | string-true, 30More Info


Make an image black and white:


Pixelate an image:


Sharpen an image:


View the Cloudinary docs to see learn more about using effects.

Overlays & Underlays

Cloudinary gives you the ability to add layers above or below your primary asset using Overlays and Underlays.

Prop Type Example
overlays arrayCustomizing Overlays & Underlays
text stringSvelte Cloudinary
underlay stringmy-public-id
underlays arrayCustomizing Overlays & Underlays

Customizing Overlays & Underlays

Prop Type Example
appliedEffects arrayeffects, added as applied transformation
effects arrayeffects
position objectposition
publicId stringmypublicid
text object|stringSvelte Cloudinary or See text Below
url stringhttps://.../image.jpg


Adding an overlay:

publicId: 'images/earth',
position: {
x: 50,
y: 50,
gravity: 'north_west',
appliedEffects: [
multiply: true

Adding an underlay:

publicId: 'images/earth',

Objects in the effects array can include everything in Basic Transformations and Filters & Effects above as well as:

Prop Type Example
aspectRatio string3.0More Info
crop string10More Info
gravity stringnorth_westMore Info
height number600More Info
width number600More Info

The position property can include:

Prop Type Example
angle number45More Info
gravity stringnorth_westMore Info
x number10More Info
y number10More Info

The text property can include:

Prop Type Example
border string20px_solid_blueMore Info
color stringbluevioletMore Info
fontFamily stringOpen SansMore Info
fontSize number48More Info
fontWeight stringboldMore Info
letterSpacing number14More Info
lineSpacing number14More Info
stroke booltrue in coordination with BorderMore Info
textDecoration stringunderlineMore Info


Configuration & Delivery

Prop Type Default Example
assetType stringimagevideoMore Info
config object-{ url: { secureDistribution: '' } }More Info
deliveryType stringuploadfetchMore Info
defaultImage string-myimage.jpgMore Info
flags array-['keep_iptc']More Info
seoSuffix string-my-image-contentMore Info
version number-1234More Info


Configures the asset type for the delivered resource.

This defaults to an image for the CldImage component.


Create an image thumbnail from a video asset:

assetType = 'video';

Learn more about Asset Types on the Cloudinary docs.


Allows configuration for the Cloudinary environment.


cloud: {
cloudName: '<Your Cloud Name>',

Learn more about configuration parameters on the Cloudinary docs.


Controls the delivery type of the image.


deliveryType = 'fetch';

Learn more about Delivery Types on the Cloudinary docs.


Configures the default image to use in case the given public ID is not available.


defaultImage = 'myimage.jpg';

Learn more about Default Images on the Cloudinary docs.


Alters the regular behavior of another transformation or the overall delivery behavior.



Learn more about Flags on the Cloudinary docs.


Adds a dynamic, descriptive suffix to the Public ID for greater SEO control of image URLs.


seoSuffix = 'jellyfish-in-space';

Learn more about Dynamic SEO Suffixes on the Cloudinary docs.


Controls the version defined in the delivery URL.


version = '1234';

Learn more about Asset Versions on the Cloudinary docs.

Managing Transformations

Most transformations and effects are exposed as top-level props to enable you to easily apply what you need, but you can also use the following props for more advanced and organized ways of applying transformations and effects.

Prop Type Default Example
effects array-[{ background: 'blue' }]
namedTransformations string | array-['my-named-transformation']More Info
preserveTransformations stringfalsetrue
rawTransformations array-['e_blur:2000']
strictTransformations boolean-Strict TransformationsMore Info
transformations (deprecated) string | array-['my-named-transformation']More Info


Applies a chain of transformation sets to an image.


width: 100,
height: 100,
crop: 'fill'
opacity: 50


Applies named transformations to the image.



Learn more about Named Transformations on the Cloudinary docs.


Preserves transformations already applied to an image when passing in a Cloudinary URL as the src.

When using this option, the transformations will be parsed from a valid URL and then be applied as rawTransformations.




Provides the ability to pass in an array of “raw” Cloudinary transformations using the Transformation URL API.

When using this option, if a format (f_) or quality (q_) is detected in the applied transformations, the respective option will not be applied automatically unless explicitly configured on the component using the format or quality options.


rawTransformations={['w_100', 'b_blue', 'f_auto']}


Strict Transformations gives you the ability to have more control over what transformations are permitted to be used from your Cloudinary account.

By enabling Strict Transformations, you restrict the ability to generate transformations on-the-fly requiring explicit approval through the Cloudinary dashboard.


transformations = ['my-transformation'];

Learn more about Strict Transformations on the Cloudinary docs.


By default, CldImage opts in any image to f_auto and q_auto which provide automatic optimization through intelligent compression and by automatically delivering the most efficient format based on the browser and device requesting the image.

You can customize and manage these properties using the options below:

Prop Type Default Example
dpr number/string-2.0More Info
format stringautowebpMore Info
quality string | numberauto90More Info


Sets the device pixel ratio (DPR) for the delivered image or video using a specified value or automatically based on the requesting device.


dpr = '2.0';

Learn more about configuring DPR on the Cloudinary docs.


Converts (if necessary) and delivers an asset in the specified format regardless of the file extension used in the delivery URL.


format = 'png';

Learn more about format on the Cloudinary docs.


Controls the quality of the delivered asset. Reducing the quality is a trade-off between visual quality and file size.



Learn more about quality on the Cloudinary docs.